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Allison Street Backcourt Projection

I've started to explore the possibility of animating the collage images. I've built up such a collection of scanned magazine images that on my hard drive that it seemed a waste not to explore their potential when put through an animation program. I used Sketchbook and created a very janky, digital clip book.

Back when I started the project I was in dire need of finding a window and it wasn't happening for a long time SO in my desperation i settled for a bathroom door, not a window, with a fogged and patterned glass pane running down the middle section of it. 

Then i found lots of windows and regretted picking up the door in the first place and using up lots of potential window storage space. Recently however i've realised that the fogged, blue tinted glass is perfect for projecting onto as it holds the image and allows for back and front projection possibilities!

I adapted a set of window stands to hold the weight of the door and went through to my back court and recorded this:

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