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This Janus has Gone to Heaven

Whilst working as a Janitor in an array of Glasgow pubs, I had a constant feeling that it wasn't worth the pay if i didn't make something out of it. After all, I had access to a location most people didn't and the opportunity to see the side of night life that most people will never. 

During my research for the film which involved a bit of storyboarding and planning to make sure i could get in and out, do the work while also shooting a film, my attention was brought to the origin of the name Janitor. It comes from the Roman god Janus, patron god of door ways, money, the before and after, the leaving and returning of soldiers from war as well as being the name sake for January. An often overlooked god that acts as an overseer for the end and an usher for beginnings.

This connection between Roman God and low wage cleaner boosted my admiration for the job and I felt the film needed to take on another level of symbolism. I felt like some sort of priest for Janus that had the chance to pay homage to the forgotten God. I added the second location, the beach, as it was another symbol of coming and going, the constant ticking of the clock, a thing that moves and churns but remains the same, much like the Janitor's never ending effort to return the bar back to normal only for it all to be destroyed again later in the day.

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